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Loughton Mountaineering Club (LMC) is a friendly and inclusive club for those interested in hill walking, scrambling, rock climbing. Established in 1975, we welcome and encourage enthusiastic new members of all interests, ages and abilities providing a safe, friendly and social environment to develop your own skills.


We have an active membership and organise regular weekend trips to mountainous areas in the UK and keep costs low by sharing transport, using bunk houses and catering together. We organise local walks in Essex, Hertfordshire and London, have a regular local social meet in Loughton and members organise sessions at London climbing walls and plan other outdoor adventures. We are a small club, so you can easily get to know the regulars.

To find out more, look at our website and meet us at one of our local walks or socials - full list on our calendar.


The BMC #FindYourAdventure campaign is aimed to inspire hikers and climbers to find their next level in their chosen activity through joining a BMC Affiliated Club.


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