There are many ways to contact us!
If you would like to find out more about Loughton Mountaineering Club contact the secretary:
by email: loughtonmcsec at (replace at with @)
Follow us on Twitter: @LoughtonMC
Find us on Facebook: LoughtonMountaineeringClub
Mailing list
We keep in touch with members through a mailing list. Through this, we announce details of upcoming events and plan ad hoc meets. To join, contact the secretary.
Mailing list posting etiquette:
All members can post messages to the mailing list. They will automatically be sent on to all subscribers.
Keep all emails relevant to LMC related activities (socials, events, meets, relevant opportunities).
If an email is about a new subject, please amend the subject line accordingly.
This is an email for announcements, not random comments!
Replying to group emails will default to be sent to the whole group. If your reply is only relevant to the person who sent the original message then please only reply to them.
Consider editing original messages in order to reduce the length of the email!
You can change your settings to receive emails as they are sent, or a daily digest.